
Low Blood Pressure During Dialysis

Many patients complain that they are experiencing a low blood pressure during
their dialysis treatment. Why could that happen? Is the low blood pressure happening during dialysis dangerous?
In fact, low blood pressure is the most common complication in dialysis, especially in hemodialysis.
The main reason for low blood pressure during dialysis is due to the over dehydration or the speed for dehydration is too fast, which may induce the reduction of blood volume, thereby, the low blood pressure happens.
Maybe you may ask why patients have to conduct dehydration during dialysis. The reason could be explain in this way. A lot of patients with dialysis treatment have little or no urine, at this time, the intake of abundant water could add burden to the kidneys, besides, it may induce a series of complications, including heart failure.Low Blood Pressure in PKD Patients on Dialysis
As a matter of fact, if patients still have some amount of urine, and, there is no swelling before the dialysis, and also, his body weight has no obvious gaining. Under such circumstance, patients have no need to undergo the dehydration.What Causes low blood pressure in Dialysis
However, just as i said before, most of the patients in the stage of dialysis have little or no urine, so the excessive water must be removed out of the body through dialysis, otherwise, heart failure may be induced.
So patients in the stage of end stage renal disease(ESRD) generally need to make dehydration, but, as i have mentioned before, low blood pressure may happen during the process of dehydration.
Many reasons are responsible for the low blood pressure during dialysis. Here i do not want to describe those reasons, what i want to say here is how to prevent the happening of low blood pressure. Usually these measures include these points: 1.control the dehydration speed and amount; 2.change the dialysis mode; 3. Do not feed during dialysis.

By these measures, we can prevent the happening of low blood pressure during dialysis.

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