
What is Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy - Kidney Diseases

Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy develops from traditional Chinese medicine
(TCM). Different herbs will be used in this therapy for different kidney diseases.
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)
In Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine which is a kind of natural remedy is used. In traditional Chinese medicine, herbs play a great important role although there are other very famous treatment methods such as acupuncture, massage, etc. More than three hundred herbs that are commonly used today have a history of use that goes back at least 2,000 years. Over that time, a vast amount of experience has been gained that has gone towards perfecting their clinical applications. Often, herbs may be used together because the combination is more effective and may have fewer side effects. Chinese people always look for herbs when they got diseases. Even many people in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Australia regard Chinese medicine as their first line of defense in maintaining health and combating disease. In the long time clinical practices of Chinese herbal medicine, some herbs are found very effective on treating kidney diseases, including Polycystic Kidney Disease, Nephrotic Syndrome, IgA Nephropathy, Nephritis, Purpura Nephritis, etc. How to Treat Kidney Failure With Chinese Medicine
Micro-Chinese medicine Chinese Medicines Stop Progression of Kidney Disease
Usually Chinese medicine is taken orally, but it is very bitter. In addition, Chinese herbal medicine shows its effects after a long time. Then it is more difficult for people to stand the bitter. And some herbs may also have side effects to kidneys. Hence experts of kidney diseases developed a new external way to use the medicine in recent decades. The medicine that is micronized is called Micro-Chinese Medicine. How Sure That Chinese Treatment Will Stop Kidney Failure
Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy

Some herbs will be micronized and osmosed into kidney lesion from skin because a part of the kidneys are near the skin. This therapy is called Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. In this therapy, osmosis devices are used to help osmosis of the micro-chinese medicine. This new technology is caused Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy. It is a unique technique in Shijiazhuang Kidney disease hospital, China at present. And this osmotherapy has been practiced in clinic for more 20 years. In 2011, the hospital has received about 6,000 patients with kidney diseases. And many foreigners received this treatment

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