
Kidney Cyst is Not Serious

Kidney cyst is serious or not?
Many people unexpectedly get to know they have kidneys cysts when they do CT scan or ultrasounds for other reasons. This makes them very nervous. How desperately they want to know the answer. Read on to know the answer to this question.
Whether kidney cysts are serious or not actually depends on the type of them. Usually, kidney cysts are divided into two types. One is simple kidney cyst. The other is complex kidney cysts.
Simple kidney cysts are benign. Simple kidney cysts are commonly seen among the old with the age of over 50 years old. In most cases, they are not serious and even cause no symptoms. Occasionally, a simple kidney cyst can cause some symptoms, such as back pain (or sides pain), bleeding or infection. Rarely, it is associated with impaired renal function. When they cause symptoms, people need seek for treatment, such as draining the cysts with surgery or other therapies.How Can Renal Cortical Cyst Be Cured with Medicine What Precautions Have I Do Take for Multiple Renal Cortical Cysts
Complex kidney cysts can develop kidney cancer, though its risk is low. The difference between complex kidney cysts and simple kidney cysts lies in the inside of kidney cysts. In simple kidney cysts, there is nothing but clear or yellow fluids, while in complex kidney cysts, there also exist coarse walls, mineral calcium, calcifications or enhanced tissues. When more substances mentioned above are found, such kidney cysts are more likely to develop kidney cancer.How to shrink Kidney Cyst(Renal Cyst)
Then how do you know which kind of kidney cysts you have? In fact, the only way you can do is to do regular CT scan if the size of kidney cysts is smaller than 3 cm. Regular tests can monitor the growth of kidney cysts and help doctors to adjust which type the cysts belong to.Is There Anything I Can Do to Get Rid of Kidney Cyst Without Surgery

In Conclusion, whether kidney cysts are serious or not depends on the type of your cysts. To know which type of kidney cysts you have, you should monitor their growth by doing regular test. Beside, to restrain the growth of kidney cysts is also very important. For more information in this regard, please click here: How to restrain the growth of kidney cysts.

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