
How to Avoid Burst of PKD Cysts

Patient: If PKD cysts are bursting and causing issues internally, will doctor
remove kidney before it fails to avoid more bursts?
Best Answer
Doctor: PKD cysts burst because of the serious enlargement of cysts. When PKD cysts burst, renal infection and blood urine appear easily, which thus lead to the acceleration of PKD. What is worse, when the cystic fluids flow into our enterocoelia, peritonitis will be caused and this is also very dangerous for PKD patients.
How to Shrink the Cyst With Polycystic Kidney Disease(PKD)
To avoid these dangers, some doctors may suggest PKD patients to remove the kidney, but it does not happen in every case.Does Every PKD Patients Go for Dialysis
PKD cysts can be prevented from bursting if effective treatment is given. As cysts stop enlarging, cysts will be not so likely to burst and many dangerous situations will be avoided therewith. Seeing from this aspect, it is quite necessary for us to take some measures to prevent our cysts from enlarging to a very big size.

So far, only Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy has the function to shrink PKD cysts and it achieves this purpose through increasing the permeability of cystic wall and changing the pressure inside the cysts and outside the cysts. What is more, because this treatment takes Chinese herbs as the major material, no side effects are caused, so we need not to worry about anything.

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