
Perfect diet for stage 3 chronic kidney disease with high creatinine level

What is the perfect diet for stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients? Reasonable diet can slow down the progress of chronic kidney disease greatly. There are some perfect diet rules from kidney experts in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital. Hope they are of some help for stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients.
1. Protein limit
Your kidneys take the urea and produce urine for excretion of waste products. Reducing your protein intake reduces the amount of urea produced and, thus, the workload of the kidneys. However, a dialysis facility for kidney failure, for stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) , a dietitian will usually recommend eating a healthy diet with protein at the level of 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight.
2. Fluid limit
Fluid isn't restricted on the stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) diet for chronic kidney disease. Your kidneys are still filtering your blood with some limitations. Stage 3 chronic kidney disease (CKD) doesn't warrant a change in how much fluid and water you drink per day. If the filtration rate of your kidneys decreases, your physician may restrict how much fluid you can have per day to delay dialysis.A Daily Diet for Kidney Disease Patients
3. Electrolytes limit Home Remedies for Stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease
The stage 3 diet for potassium and sodium is an individual decision made between you and your health care provider. Sodium may cause you to retain fluid and put an extra strain on your kidneys. Your health care provider may recommend restricting your salt usage or sodium intake by limiting your intake of processed foods to lower your overall consumption of sodium.
4. Phosphorus and Calcium Can Stage 3 Kidney Disease patients Eat Hami Melon
As your kidney function worsens, phosphorus can build up in the blood causing itchy skin and your bones to lose calcium. This stage of the diet restricts the amount of phosphorus in your diet by limiting beans, legumes, beer and dark colored carbonated beverages. Phosphorus binders can be used to remove excess phosphorus from your ingested food. These binders are usually concentrated calcium supplements because phosphorus and calcium compete for absorption in your intestines. Providing high amounts of calcium with your meals decreases the amount of phosphorus your body absorbs, thereby preventing kidney associated bone disease.Is Soybean Good for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Patient

All these info mentioned above is just suitable for generally conditional, if you want to know the specific perfect diet, please get from renal experts on line for free.

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