
Diet Treatment for Chronic Nephritis

The Diet Treatment for Chronic Nephritis
1. Protein Intake
The absorption amount of protein is determined by the damaged degree of kidney function. If patients have suffered from the disease for a long time and the renal function has been damaged seriously, there is no need to limit protein strictly.
Protein intake of no more than 1g/kg per day , with high quality protein accounting for more than 50%, will be appropriate . For patients suffering from azotemia, they should limit protein intake according to the illness condition.
2. Limit Sodium Intake
Patients with edema and high blood pressure should limit salt intake, and 2~3g/d will be suitable. For patients with serious edema, the amount should be under 2g/d . And salt-free diet is recommended if possible. At the same time, the check of kalemia and sodium level should be something of regular. This is because long-term low-salt or salt-free diet have a possibility to cause sodium deficit.
3. Thermal Energy intake
The treatment for Chronic Nephritis is one of long term and the thermal energy supply should be enough to meet the need of basic activity. While patients are limited with protein intake, carbohydrate and fat become the main sources of hot energy. Patients can take 0.15~0.17MJ(35—40kcal)/kg per day or 9.21~10.88MJ(2200~2600kcal)/d.
4. Mineral Substance and Vitamin Intake
The daily intake of sodium is based on the level of edema and high blood pressure. Patients should be supplied with enough vitamins, and special attention should be given to replenishing vitamin A, B, C and folic acid. Patients with anemia should replenish vitamin B, iron and folic acid, and foods like animal’s liver and abodominal organs, green vegetables are good sources for these substances.

If Chronic Nephritis aggravates rapidly, we need to follow with the diet principles as that of the Acute Nephritis; if patients with a lot of proteinuria, we will follow with the Nephrotic Syndrome diet principle. In a word, for Chronic Nephritis patients, the diet principle should closely be inosculated with the illness condition in order to promote a steady and rapid recovery.

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