
The Reasons for Renal Hypertension

Hypertension is a common symptom of Chronic Kidney Disease. Renal hypertension is a form of secondary hypertension, which is caused by kidney disease directly. And it accounts for 5%~10% of adult hypertension and is the most common form among secondary hypertension.
Then what are the reasons for renal hypertension?
a. The retention of salt and water in the body.
When healthy, the kidneys can remove extra salt and water. However, when the kidneys are damaged, the filtering function of the kidneys declines. And then the extra salt and water cannot be removed out of the body normally, which leads to the retention of salt and water in the body. This kind of retention causes increased blood volume. Therefore, the hypertension occurs.What Can Be Done for CKD Stage 5 Caused By Hypertension
b. The secretion of hormones that prompt vasoconstriction increases.
The kidneys can help secrete many kinds of hormones. Some of them such as angiotensin can cause blood vessels to constrict and then drive blood pressure up. Once the kidneys are damaged, the secretion of angiotensin increases and then leads to hypertension. In addition, angiotensin can cause aldosterone release. Aldosterone has ability of regulating blood volume. The increased aldosterone can make the blood volume to rise up, which causes hypertension.Can Hypertension Medication Used for CKD Cause Mouth Sores
c. The secretion of hormones that prompt vasodilatation decreases.
Some of the hormones secreted by the kidneys such as bradykinin can cause blood vessels to dilate, and therefore causes blood pressure to lower. Once the kidneys are damaged, the secretion of these hormones like bradykinin will decrease. And then hypertension may occur.Stem Cell Therapy Treats Kidney Disease
All of these mentioned above can cause hypertension. Patients should treat it fundamentally, such as repair the damaged kidneys and recover normal renal functions. In our hospital, Micro-Chinese Medicine can make it. And it is very popular with the patients.Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital

For detailed information, you can consult our online experts or email to me. We will provide you with professional analysis and make proper treatment suggestion for you.

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