
Dose High Creatinine Make Him Leave the Field of 2008 Olympic Games?

Let us review the exciting moment that in 2008 Olympic Games, our country occupies the champion of the gold medal, which is the most honourable reputation of Chinese Ethnic People!
But after the excitement, we needn't forget one familiar figure who left the field unexpectedly.
He is the model of countrymen and the miracle of Asia. He is another"Usian Bolt"of eastern Asia. It is sure that you have guessed who he is.
Yes. He is Liu Xiang, the boy who created tremendous miracles. But due to severe foot pain caused by long-term training, in the field of 110-meter hurdle race, he can't help but leave. Seeing his moving figure, all of us tears with sympathy and pity no matter whether we are in the field or in front of television.
Now the 2012 Olympic Games have been raising the certain, which is another intense competition all over the world. For the purpose of making our national flag rise to the peak, sporters are taking painstaking training day by day. However, Amounts of exercises of long time makes some differences of their body from common people. One of differences is High Creatinine Levels.
What is creatinine? Why is the creatinine in sporters higher than that of in common people? Does the high creatinine influence the body of sports ? Is high creatinine related to foot pain of Liu Xiang?Is Stage 4 CKD (Chronic Kidney Disease) Curable
Creatinine is the metabolin of muscles, one normal metabolic waste. Every 20g muscle produce 1mg creatinine. Glomeruluses perform removing creatinine out of body. Serum creatinine comes from exogenous and endogenous sources. The former is metabolic waste of meat food, and the later is from muscle metabolism. When the meat intake is steady and the muscle metabolism has no great change, the creatinine content in the body is constant.
Creatinine is divided into Serum Creatinine and Urine Creatinine.Serum Creatinine:the range of common people is 53-140mmoI/L.Urine creatinine : this kind of creatinine mainly comes from glomuruses with the blood filteration.
But why is the creatinine of sporters like Liu Xiang higher than common people? That is because with a mass of training, their muscles are more than common people. Certainly more muscles can produce more metabolic wastes, namely creatinine, which is about 150μmoI/L (the range of commonpeople is about 44-133mmoI/L).Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy
Creatinine is normal matabolin of human body, as a result that a little higher creatinine of sporters is normal, not pathologic response. As for many fans are afraid that higher creatinine may induce foot pain, that is a tale of tub.
But for patients with Chronic Kidney Disease, high creatinine is the signal of severe disease. Kidneys have powerful compensation function, which means that kidneys are constituted by about 100 million nephrons, and when part of nephrons are damaged, the left ones can perform the physiological action instead of them.
So when the nephrons are damaged at the beginning, it is difficult to find any obvious symptoms of patients. Only when Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) has fallen over 50%, the creatinine begins to increase. Therefore, when patients find high creatinine, they needn't ignore this problem. The high creatinine suggests that the kidney lesion is already over 50%. There is a table about stages of CKD, through which you can know clearly that in which stage you are.
1.Renal Function Compensation.Stem Cell Therapy Treats Kidney Disease
GFR(ml/min): 50-80
Creatinine(mmoI/L)or mg/dl: 141.4~177.O mmol/L /1.6~2.0mg/dl
Reduced nephrons :20%-25%.Is Any Treatment Available for Chronic Kidney Disease Stage 4
Symptoms : due to the power compensation, no obvious symptoms
2. Discompensation Stage of Renal Function.Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
GFR(ml/min): 50-20
Creatinine(mmoI/L)or mg/dl: 185.9~442.6mmol/L(2.1~5.0mg/dl)
Reduced nephrons : 50%-70%.Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital
Symptoms : nocturnal enuresis,fatigue, edema, inappetence, nausea, and light anemia
3. Later Discompensation Stage of Renal Function( The Early Stage of Uremia)
GFR(ml/min): 20-10
Creatinine(mmoI/L)or mg/dl: 442.6~708.2 mmol/L (5.0~8.0mg/dl)
Reduced nephrons : 70%-90%
Symptoms : severe anemia, edema, sometimes nausea, acidosis, hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia
4. Uremia Stage.Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
GFR(ml/min): <10
Creatinine(mmoI/L)or mg/dl:>708.2 mmol/L (8.0mg/dl),
Reduced nephrons : >90%
Symptoms : generalized poisoning, excessive water deposited in the body

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a kind of chronic disease, and it is not easy to discover. So we are supposed to pay attention to the precaution and treatment of CKD. As for the Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), if you have any other questions, you can consult our online expertsor send e-mail to me. It is our pleasure to serve you!

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