
New Alternative Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease(ckd)

New Alternative Treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease
The new alternative treatment is a Micro-Chinese Medication Osmotherapy of treatments that contain three features and one guarantee.
Feature one--Micro-Chinese Medication Osmotherapy
Micro-Chinese Medication Osmotherapy is an innovative treatment through years of therapeutic practices. The key technology is to micronize and pulverize medications with obviously curative effect for renal disease with the purpose of releasing effective constituents of the medications and mixing them together thoroughly. Then the micronized medications are applied externally to disease focuses with the help of penetrants and osmosis equipment. Large amount of the medications with high permeability and the directly targeting positioning of the medications would treat the disease more effectively. This treatment avoids side-effects of oral administration and is target-oriented. Clinically, it has been proved that it is effective and convenient. At present, the treatment is one of the unique and essential therapies in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital. Pathologically, it blocks further renal fibrous through the following respects, dilating blood vessels, anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, degrading fibrous tissues, etc. It is capable of repairing intrinsic cells and renal function and rebuilds the original structure of the kidneys. In short, it is called as blocking, repair, rebuilding.Huaxia Nephropathy Research Institute
Feature two-- blood purification technology with Micro-Chinese Medication Osmotherapy at the core. The essential function is to provide a suitable environment for Micro-Chinese medications to take their effects thoroughly. The working mechanism: hemodialysis could remove harmful but small moleculesin bloodstream; hemofiltration medium-sized harmful moleculesion; hemoperfusion bigger and harmful moleculesin. While immunoadsorption technology could absorb major immune complex and keep bloodstream comparatively cleaner, which guarantees the treatments more effective. In short it is called as aborption, purification.
Feature three – Micro-Chinese Medication Osmotherapy. Immunotherapy had capacities of self renewal and multi directional differentiation potentials. After being transplanted into the kidneys, the Immunotherapys will build new blood vessel networks and improve internal microcirculation Immunotherapy for the kidneys via their division. With the cooperation between Immunotherapys and Micro-Chinese Medication Osmotherapy, the final goals that preventing renal fibrosis and repairing renal cells will be achieved. In short, it is called as repair, rebuilding. It enhances the effects of the treatment.
Finally, one guarantee refers to the guarantee by current technologies as adjuvant treatments. At present, the current treatments and technologies from both Chinese medicine and western medicine are also utilized during the above procedures to guarantee an effective treatment by all means.

In conclusion, it is a comprehensive Micro-Chinese Medication Osmotherapy, emphasizes five respects of kidney disease treatment—blocking, absorption, purification, repair, and rebuilding.

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