
How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Treat End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD)

How Does Micro-Chinese Medicine Treat End Stage Renal Disease(ESRD)
1. Anti-inflammation
The damaged renal cells can release some inflammatory factors which can appeal some inflammatory cells in blood accumulating in renal intrinsic cells. These inflammatory cells can induce renal fibrosis. In order to the further damage of renal cells, the active substances prevent the damaged cells releasing inflammatory factors. Can ESRD Patients on Dialysis Lose Bowel Control
2. Anti-coagulation
Because of the damage of cells, the activity of platelets is stimulated, and the blood clot mechanism begins. So more blood clots accumulate in capillary of kidneys. That can aggravate ischemia and anoxia of renal cells. So anti-coagulation is vital for the treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease. Micro-Chinese Medicine performs this function to better micro-circulation of kidneys.
3. Degrading fibrillated substances
The active materials of Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can regulate the balance of producing and degrading of extracellular matrix. The active substances can activate the activity of lysosome which degrade extracellular matrix, removing redundant matrix. Besides that, the active substances can get rid of immune complex and metabolic products accumulating in kidneys. So that it can clean the obstacles of blood circulation of kidneys.
At the moment, lots of changes can be found: more urine volume, more cloudy substances in urine, heavy urine color, heavy urine smell, and so on.

In a word, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy can enhance live quality, prolong the interval of dialysis and even make patients with Uremia cast off dialysis. If only patients keep continuous treatment and take care of their daily diet habit. It is possible for patients to get great treatment effects.

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