
The Therapeutical Effect of Chinese Herb Bath

1. Promoting blood circulation and removing obstruction in channels, which promotes blood circulation.
2. Inducing diaphoresis to improve the discharging of metabolism wastes
3. The medicine arrives at the lesions directly through main and collateral channels so as to regulate functions of organs. - Top Five Herbs for Better Kidney Function
4. Support healthy tendency, strengthen immunity and remove fatigue.
5. Calm the nerves and improve the quality of sleep.
Clinical Application Scope of Chinese Herb Bath in Our Hospital
1. Nephritic edema - Facial Edema in Nephrotic Syndrome
2. Chronic Kidney Failure (azotemia)
3. Skin itch, chronic skin disease.
4. Joint and muscle pain caused by rheumatic and immune diseases.
5. Kidney disease with external contraction.
6. Diabetes with peripheral neuropathy ( limbs numbness and pain).
7. Recovery health-care: alleviating fatigue and improving sleep.
8. Lower lipid and lose weight.
Contraindications of Chinese Herb Bath:
1. People with high blood pressure.
2. People with high fever and much sweat.
3. People with open wound on the skin.
4. Patients with serious heart disease.

5. People who is allergic to Chinese herb bath.

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