
Complications of Kidney Transplantation

The technology of Kidney Transplantation has developed rapidly since 1960s, and the improvement of immunosuppressive agents elevates the short-term survival rate after the transplantation. However, there are always dispute about the long-term survival rate, because complications are so common in the later period after transplantation. A research done in 1974-1990 shows that the survival rate within 10 years after the transplantation is 27%-67%, and the death rate after 10 years is 3%-4%. The main reasons of death after transplantation are the pathological changes in cardiovascular Immunotherapy (14%-50%), infections (7%-28%), liver diseases and liver failure (0%-28%), and cancer (9%-28%). Transplanted kidneys lose their functions mainly because of the chronic rejections, and it has relationship with toxicity of cyclosporine A (CsA), Hypertension and higher filtration rate of kidneys. Is There Any Problem for Kidney Transplantation ?
I. Complications in cardiovascular Immunotherapy and Hypertension.
Complications in cardiovascular Immunotherapy are the main complications after kidney transplantation, among which coronary artery disease is the most common one (death rate is 3%-10%). There are many inducements of cardiovascular changes such as hormones, high blood pressure, Hyperlipoidemia, obesity, smoking and Diabetes Mellitus.
Hypertension is another risk factor that affects the survival rate after the kidney transplantation most, especially for those who use CsA. The incidence of Hypertension is about 25%-95%. Among those who have kidney transplantation, Hypertension can lead to acute or chronic rejections, reoccurrence of the primary kidney diseases on the new kidney, Glomerulonephritis, and the obesity caused by long-term use of hormones.
II. Hyperlipoidemia.
After the kidney transplantation, the morbidity of Hypercholesterolemia is about 16%-78% after using hormones and azathioprine, and the morbidity of Hypertriglyceridemia is 9%-66% or so. They may appear 3 months later after the transplantation and gradually aggravate in 1 year. The main influencing factors of Hypercholesterolemia are including age, gender, proteinuria, diuretics, hormones, and treatment with CsA; while weight, serum creatinine, βretardant, and hormone treatment can lead to Hypertriglyceridemia which is possibly the result of chronic rejections of transplantation. Kidney Transplant for Patients with Renal Failure ?
III. Post-transplantation Diabetes Mellitus.
According to different immunosuppressive agents, the morbidity of Post-transplantation Diabetes Mellitus is 1%-40% generally. Glucocorticoids are the main reason. It reduces insulin receptors and damages the mechanism of glycometabolism in cells. With whatever immunosuppressive agents, there are about 5%-50% of sufferers with Post-transplantation Diabetes Mellitus depend on exogenous insulin. Post-transplantation Diabetes Mellitus is the main influencing factor that reduces the survival rate and increases the morbidity of infections after kidney transplantation.

Kidney transplantation is a traditional treatment for kidney diseases, and it will easily arouse rejections and various complications. Long-term use of hormone and immunosuppressive agents will have great negative influence on the body and has many side effects. If you are seeking for a brand new treatment for kidney diseases, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy and Immunotherapy are a better choice. If you want to know more about them, please visit Natural treatment method and Immunotherapys transplantation. Any questions, you are welcome to consult our experts online or leave a message

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