
Why High Potassium and Phosphorus Is Harmful for CKD

Why is food rich in potassium and phosphorus harmful for CKD? Patient with chronic kidney disease especially those who have develop into uremia stage have disorder of electrolyte.
When kidney can not function well, the ability of discharging potassium will also decline, so the potassium will deposit into the body, leading to hyperpotassaemia and arrhythmia. What’s worse, some can even die from too excessive potassium. In addition, food which is low in sodium contains high potassium. In our daily life, many people even use potassium to replace one third of sodium. Firstly, potassium tastes salt. Secondly, in daily life, people take in less potassium, and it always lies in vegetables, fruits, potatoes. In China, the diet of Chinese people is mainly meat, which contains less potassium.and Whether Ketoanalogues Can Decrease Creatinine and Potassium Level and Can You Cure Creatinine 5.5, Urea 185, Potassium 5.5 and Calcium 6.6

The discharge of phosphorus mainly takes place in kidney. Generally, advanced stage of CKD patients can not discharge phosphorus well, thus leading to hyperphosphatemia. When the GFR decreases to 40—80ML/min, the metabolism of phosphorus begin to change. Although the parathyroid hormone increases, the effective renal unites decrease, so the response to parathyroid hormone decreases as well. In this case, phosphorus begin to accumulate in the body. At the same time, the absorption to calcium decreases, which also leads to high phosphorus.

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