
Dialysis on the Second Year Patient Seeking Advice

Patient: My husband is on dialysis for his second year now and at this moment he is so ill I really don’t know what more I can do ease his pain.
Doctor: I like to give you and your husband some advice. Dialysis is only used as to maintain your life, rather than treating your kidneys as well as restoring your renal function. As time passes by, your kidneys will become worse and worse, because constant dialysis and taking medicines will produce more toxins and they will accumulate in your body.(Need Treatment for Hair Loss Since on Dialysis)
Chinese medicine has its distinctive function in the treatment of kidney disease. Based on traditional Chinese medicine, our hospital proposes the newest Immunotherapy for you. Immunotherapy is one of the ideal solutions for kidney disease. Among Immunotherapy, Micro-Chinese medicine, a kind of modern-processed Chinese medicine, is one of the focal technology.

By Immunotherapy, your husband’s kidneys can be treated to a satisfactory degree, and his renal function can restore to a better level. And furthermore, he has the great possibility of getting dialysis as well as leads a high-quality life like others.

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