
Treat IgA Nephropathy by Immunotherapy

Patient: Male, eight years old
Examine result when admission: Urine protein (+), no edema with both lower limbs, Serum Creatinine 321, Uric Acid 582ummol/L.
Diagnosed as: Glomerulus Nephritis
The doctor told the patient’s family that the patient has malnutrition, which leads to slow growth, and that they should pay attention to the patient’s daily diet and a reasonable collocation of the nutrition. After the experts and the doctor in charge discussed over the case, they decided to make a schedule of Immunotherapy.
Three days later after the Immunotherapy, there is no illness repeat, with the Urine Protein (-), Serum Creatinine 100, Uric Acid 320, nearly restored to the normal condition.
Experts of Immunotherapy and Kidney Disease comment that: After the Immunotherapy transfused into the patient’s body, it will pitch onto the lesions of the damaged renal, and play the following actions: repair the renal intrinsic cells, generate new intrinsic cells, eliminate the kidney’s ischemia and anoxia, thus expand all levels of renal artery of the IgA Nephropathy patient, improve the local microcirculation barrier, increase the kidney’s effective perfusion, increase the local metabolism, accelerate to repair the damaged renal intrinsic cells; remit the Hypertension stage caused by the fibrosis pathological damage.

In the meantime, Immunotherapy can extend the whole body’s blood vessels of the IgA patient, improve the microcirculation barrier of the whole body, promote the blood circulation of the whole body unblocked, improve the anoxia of the whole body caused by the kidney disease. Immunotherapy can also improve the microcirculation barrier in the digestive Immunotherapy, remit the edema of the alimentary canal mucosa caused by Renal Fibrosis, promote to secrete digestive juice, improve the appetite and immunity, thus improve the IgA patient’s physique, and pave the way for the further recovery of the illness condition. When the kidney is well repaired, the urine protein will disappear and the creatinine(High Creatinine Level) will restore to normal condition gradually.

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