
Metabolic Disturbance Causes Chronic Kidney Disease

High blood pressure, high blood sugar, Hyperlipaemia and high blood uric acid all can indicate that there is metabolic disturbance in human body. Metabolic disturbance can cause renal damage, leading to the occurrence of Chronic Kidney Disease.
● High Blood Pressure(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease)
Kidney is one of the main organs damaged by high blood pressure and at the same time, kidney is the important regulation organ of blood pressure. Nowadays, high blood pressure has been closely linked with Chronic Kidney Disease. Once symptoms such as swelling, nocturnal enuresis and foam in urine appear in patients, patients with high blood pressure should go to see doctor as soon as possible. Renal damage can be detected through urine routine test at the earlier time. Therefore, even patients with high blood pressure have no above mentioned symptoms, they should do urine test and renal function test regularly.
● High Blood Sugar
At present, in America and many European countries, Diabetic Nephropathy has been the major cause of renal failure. More than half of the patients who are undergoing dialysis are patients with Diabetic Nephropathy. For patients with Diabetes, they usually just care about the level of blood sugar and ignore their renal function. When swelling around their legs and hands appear, Diabetic Nephropathy always has developed into renal failure. Microalbuminuria is the early and important clinical indicator, so patients with Diabetes should take Microalbuminuria test regularly. Usually, one test per three to six months is the best.
● Hyperlipidemia
It is well known that patients with hyperlipidemia are likely to suffer from atherosclerosis and thus susceptible to coronary disease and cerebral apoplexy. However, apart from that, hyperlipidemia can also make renal artery have atherosclerosis, leading to the decrease of renal function. For patients with hyperlipidemia, they should pay much attention to their creatinine and take lipid-lowing medicines if necessary, so as to protect their kidneys.
● High Blood Uric Acid

When urate present saturated condition in blood, urate may deposit in kidney and then cause renal damage of uricemia, which show not only as urarthritis, tophus and freak joints, but also chronic interstitial nephritis, uric acid renal calculus and acute hyperuricemic nephropathy.

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