
Does Hyperuricemia Cause Uremia?

Does hyperuricemia cause Uremia? This is a hot issue patients are concerned about. At present, as a result of various reasons for Uremia, the definite diagnosis of Uremia is difficult to get, in addition to high treatment difficulty and lower survival rate. And hyperuricemia is one of main reasons for Uremia.
Does Hyperuricemia cause Uremia? Hyperuricemia is induced by long-term metabolic disorder of purine commonly among obese patients. About 20% patients with hyperuricemia suffer from renal stone. The higher concentration of uric acid, the high possibility of renal stone. Stones block ureter and cause serious waist pain and hematuria.
if hyperuricemia is accumulated in kidneys, the inflammatory actions and damages of kidneys are called as gooty nephropathy. Uric acid is stimulated in renal interstitium and kidney tubules. In interstitium there is edema and inflammatory actions which are called as interstitial nephritis. The clinical symptoms include little Proteinuria, microscopic hematuria or gross hematuria, edema, moderate hypertension and so on.
So how to treat Uremia caused by Hyperuricemia? Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital innovates Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy as core treatment with Immunotherapyation technology as assistant treatment. Through dilating blood vessels and promoting blood circulation, renal functions of patients can be recovered fundamentally. Dilated blood vessels can provide adequate oxygen and nutritions to renal cells. This step can prevent renal cells being damaged further, and recover reabsorption and filteration of renal cells. The creatinine and urea return to normal level. Uremia can be treated well. Hyperuricemia disappears.

As for whether hyperuricemia can induce Uremia, kidney specialists suggest: hyperuricemia is the early signal of kidney lesion. If hyperuricemia is not treated timely, it can cause further damage of kidneys, and even Uremia. Therefore, if there are symptoms, patients should receive early treatment and guard against worsening disease which threatens life probably.

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