
How to stop Diabetes Developing into Diabetic Nephropathy

Diabetic Nephropathy is a complication of diabetes after it lasts for more than 10 years in most of cases. Protein in urine is the earliest symptom of Diabetic Nephropathy. The pathological mechanism of how Diabetes develop into Diabetic Nephropathy is complicated, which goes as follows.
Firstly, the occurrence of Diabetic Nephropathy is closely connected with high blood sugar or high blood glucose in diabetic patients. If the blood sugar or blood glucose is not controlled well, it will accelerate Diabetic Nephropathy. Well controlled blood sugar can also delay the development of Diabetic Nephropathy. If not controlled well, there will be increased proliferation of renal mesangial cells and increased ECM, thus causing thicker renal glomerular basilar membrane. So in daily life, we should pay attention to the diet such as avoiding too sweet food. The basis of the "Diabetes DTOUR" Diet is to eat foods that are referred to as the Fat-Fighting Four: calcium, vitamin D, omega-3 fats and fiber. The combination of these nutrients with a diet rich in complex carbohydrates will help the pancreas regulate a steady release of insulin.
Secondly, keep taking exercise. During exercise, whole-body oxygen consumption may increase by as much as 20-fold, and even greater increases may occur in the working muscles. In addition, blood sugar is also used in the course.
Thirdly, controlling high blood pressure is also important. We all know that high blood pressure has no direct relationship with diabetes. However, in the course of high blood pressure to microalbumin, increased blood sugar can accelerate the development of diabetic nephropathy and the deterioration of renal function, which leads to the discharge of protein in urine.
At last, Now Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital can teat Diabetic Nephropathy.

The above mentioned are about how to stop diabetes developing into diabetic nephropathy. For more information, please consult us online or email us.

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