
Rectifying Protein Urine,Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia - kidney disease

Patients with Chronic Nephritis generally suffer from hypertension at the same time. High blood pressure easily aggravates the illness condition. Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor (ACE) is usually used to reduce blood pressure. ACE can effectively reduce high blood pressure and at the same time protect the kidney from being damaged. However, patients with nephritis and hypertension should be clear that the sudden and sharp decrease of blood pressure can also aggravate the illness condition. it is well known that blood flow is closely related to blood pressure and the sudden decrease of blood pressure makes blood inflow to the kidneys retreat sharply, which give rise to blood and oxygen insufficiency of renal cells.
The progressive loss of glomerular function and the development of glomerulosclerosis are not only related to high blood pressure but also protein leakage. The more serious protein leakage is, the faster glomerulosclerosis development will be. Protein leakage Immunotherapys from inflammatory reaction of renal cells, so anti-inflammation is the key. Referring to protein urine, another problem also deserves patients attention is that as long as the inflammatory reaction of renal cell exists, the leakage of protein will not be stopped, and the replenishment of high-quality protein such as venoclysis of albumin is of little or no help. What is more, this will also increase workloads of the kidneys.

Patients with Chronic Nephritis usually suffer from Hyperlipidemia. Researches have proven that Hyperlipidemia can also contribute to the aggravation of renal illness condition. The adoptions of antilipemic agents as well as a low-fat diet are necessary. However, some patients must understand that some antilipemic agents are harmful to the Liver, so the selecting of proper drugs is important.

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