
For Patients with Kidney Problems, How to Prevent Heart Attack

Hypertension is one of the most common accompanying problems of patients with kidney diseases. High blood pressure can be the result of renal problem, or the kidney problem aggravates the existing high blood pressure. in addition, long term high blood pressure(High Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease) can in turn worsen the illness condition of kidney problems.
With the development of medical technique, heart disease have decreased in recent years but patients with kidney problems have not enjoyed the reduction in the chances of having a heart attack or developing heart failure, especially for patients who have diabetes or a previous heart attack history.
Hardening of arteries is the most frequent cause of heart disease. Fat and waste deposit on blood vessel give rise to obstacles of blood circulation. The block of small arteries includes those in the heart, the brain and the kidneys.
People with protein in their urine or decreased kidney function may benefit from an even lower blood pressure of 125/75, which is thought to be helpful with slowing down kidney damage in people who already have kidney problems.
Another factor of heart disease is high blood viscosity caused by increased lipid content. Triglycerides and cholesterol are fat in the blood. High blood viscosity makes the blood more difficult to filtrate and slow down the flowing speed of blood. And the result will be the retention of wastes and ischemia anoxia of body organs. So patient with this problem should consider changing their diet in order to avoid fatty foods and other food high in cholesterol. In terms of treating triglycerides, patients should strictly limit the intake of sugar and in some cases, corresponding medicine taking is recommended in order to lower the risk of occurring heart attack or heart failure.
Patients with kidney problem should pay more attention to hypertensor. Medications that lower hypertension decrease the risk of heart disease. Although these medications may be effective in lowering blood pressure, they may interact with other drugs that patients are taking, and they maybe toxic to the kidneys.
Smoking is a fatal factor for patients with kidney problems. Nicotine contained in the cigarette contracts blood vessel and gives more chances to arteriosclerosis. Drinking alcohol is not directly related to higher blood pressure or kidney problems, but alcohol will lead to damage to the liver, and liver is one of the important organ for expelling wastes and harmful substances in the blood.
Diabetes in adult is often associated with being overweight. Weight losing through sensible diet and exercise decrease the risk of heart attack and may improve the diabetes control.

In conclusion, for patients with kidney problem and high blood pressure, they should stop smoking, control cholesterol intake, normalize blood sugar, lose weight if being overweighed. Most importantly, keep a healthy mood.

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