
Diet for Patients with Nephritis

Regular daily diet plays a very important role in the overall health and wellbeing, especially for the patients. Patients with Nephritis should take proper diet for their recovery because some foods can help patients with Nephritis and a few foods can aggravate the condition. Patients need to take effective treatment together with the proper diet for the fast recovery. There are some advices for patients with Nephritis on dietary.
1. Drink fresh coconut water on a regular basis, preferably every day.
2. Consume a high amount of avocadoes, as it helps the problem to a great extent. You can choose to have avocado soup, salad or guacamole, based on your tastes and preferences.
3. Have plenty of fresh vegetable juice, which is completely devoid of any sugar, artificial sweeteners or preservatives. Carrot juice, to which a teaspoon of honey has been added, is especially beneficial.
4. Follow an all fruit diet for around 4 to days and consume high amounts of apples, oranges, pears, grapes, peaches, bananas and pineapples.
5. Increase your intake of water and make sure that you consume no less than 8 to 10 glasses a day, as it flushes the toxins out of your body.
6. Avoid foods that contain high amounts of oxalic acid, which is found in spinach, rhubarb, chocolate or other products made from cocoa.
7. Cut down on your intake of salt, which means that you need to stay away from processed meat, junk food and instant foods.
8. Eliminate fried food from your diet completely for a while, at least till you recover from this condition.

It is very important for patients with Nephritis to take proper diet for the better recovery. Patients must know what they can eat and what they can’t eat. Pay more attention to your diet and your lifestyle, you can return to be healthy quickly.

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