
The Possible Reasons for Foam in Urine

Seeing foams in urine often makes people panic, in fact, it should not be worried since the normal people also have this phenomenon now and then and this phenomenon can be caused in many different cases.
Urination speed and the urine concentration
The delay of urination may cause foams in urine because more urine gathers in bladder during the delay period. When you go to toilet, you are instinctively eager to urinate all of it as soon as possible. The bigger stream and the faster speed make the urine strike on the toilet bowl, resulting in many foams. We know that urine is mainly make up of water, as well as other substances, when its concentration is evaluated for some reasons, such as dehydration, the concentration of other substance will increase, then foams in urine may be present. These two situations can relieve or removed by slowing down urination speed or drinking more water.
Foods rich in proteins
Protein in urine can give appearance of foam because proteins change the tension between water and protein. When the protein in foods rich of protein, such as fish, lean meat, is so much that cannot all be absorbed by the protein, some of them will be excreted into urine, causing foamy urine. The case will relieve if the protein intake changes.
Proteinuria and kidney disease
Proteinuria is a kind of urine that rich in proteins. In normal case, proteins are kept by millions of tiny filters-glomeruli. Glomeruli is an essential part of kidneys and they are responsible for the mainly filtration of kidneys. When damaged or infected, glomeruli cannot keep proteins in blood, as a result, many of proteins escape to urine. If this situation continues a long time, one should visit doctor to find whether one’s kidneys are working normally. If not, take immediate actions to get an effective result.

Here only shows several cases of foam in urine and there are many others. Faced with this condition, never be panic, if it disappear several days or very soon, you can take back your heart, if it persists for a long time, seek your doctor to do some tests to find the causes. Any question, email me at kidney-symptoms@hotmail.com .

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