
How to treat stage 5 of Chronic kidney disease

Stage 5 of chronic kidney disease(CKD) is the final stage of CKD. In this end stage, GFR(Glomerular Filtration Rate) is less than 15%. Most of renal cells are damaged and lose normal functions like filtrating, toxin excretion and so on. Therefore, most patients with Stage 5 of Chronic Kidney Disease have to depend on blood dialysis to expel most of metabolic wastes and toxins out of body. But most patients under dialysis , especially western patients, just take western medicines like hormones and depends on dialysis to maintain the basic life. With long time of dialysis, the damaged cells are more and more, and the renal functions break down. At that moment, patients have to increase the dialysis frequency to clear metabolic wastes and toxins. But what treatment method is proper to treat Stage 5 of Chronic Kidney Disease. patients can get hope from Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital.
First, we adopt Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy to dilating blood vessel with functions of anti-inflammation, anticoagulation, and degrading extracellular matrix. This step is to better micro renal circulation and prepare for repairing damaged cells and recovering normal renal functions.
Second, we use blood purification to clear most of toxic substances and wastes to supply a better treatment environment.
Third, Immunotherapy transplantation technology is to repair the damaged cells and rebuild the renal normal structure, recovering the renal functions.
In the whole process, we need the western medicines as the assistant treatment to control the severe clinical symptoms but as little as possible.

These four great technologies perform tremendous curative effect in treating stage 5 of chronic kidney disease as a whole Immunotherapy, which occupies more and more important position in the field of kidney disease treatment. This characteristic treatment Immunotherapy has brought wellness to innumerable patients with stage 5 of chronic kidney disease!

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