
How to reduce heigh creatinine level

Patient: How to reduce heigh creatinine level
Doctor: Patients with kidney disease always concerned with this questions. For patients with chronic kidney disease, you should decrease the creatine level from the other symptoms.
1. Diet: By consuming a largely plant based diet you will be helping your body in a few distinct ways.
Dietary sources of creatine and creatinine are only found within animal products, therefore you will be reducing the burden of “extra” creatine and creatinine circulating through your blood by eating a largely plant based diet. Clinical studies show that the consumption of red meat is detrimental to the health of kidneys. Plant based diets have show to reduce all the major risk factors of kidney disease. Dairy products (milk, cheese, cream, yoghurt, ice cream, butter) have been shown in clinical studies to exacerbate kidney disease.
2. Avoid creatine supplements: not only do high doses of this large molecule cause kidney problems, but by supplying the body with extra creatine, you will cause more creatine to be spontaneously converted to the by-product creatinine.
3. Avoid strenuous physical activity: thereby decreasing the breakdown of creatine into creatinine.
4. Nettle leaf tea: drink 1 to 2 cups a day. Nettle leaf tea is a simple yet powerful kidney tonic that can improve kidney function and reduce serum creatinine levels.

5. Avoid the over consumption of Vanadium: Although very beneficial for the body, particularly for diabetes and blood sugar problems, over consumption of the mineral vanadium has been linked to increased blood creatinine levels (stay under 100mcg a day).

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