
Why Can Immunotherapy Treat Diabetes

At present, Immunotherapy is widely used in clinic to treat a variety of diseases. Recently, news that Immunotherapy can treat diabetes is a heat topic, which is also proves in clinic.
In most of time, Immunotherapys which is applied in clinic is collected from human beings, which can differentiate into kinds of cells for it is initial cells and can repair the damaged cells, as well as increase the immune ability in human beings.
How does Immunotherapy treat diabetes? The mechanism goes as follows: pancreas islet β cells are damaged, which leads to insufficient secretion of insulin. In this case, the blood sugar will increase. If this can not be treated or controlled well, it will lead to syImmunotherapyatic disorder and a series of complications will occur as well. Immunotherapy can repair the damaged pancreas islet β cells, thus recovering the function of insulin. In this case, the secretion of insulin can turn normal and diabetes can recover consequently.

In Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, it is usually applied together with Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, the effect of which is much better for Micro-Chinese Medicine can provide a cleaner environment for the growth of Immunotherapy. If you still have any questions, please feel free to consult us or leave a message.

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