
How to lower down creatinine in blood

How to lower down creatinine in blood? The serum creatinine is a common blood test that gives us an estimate of kidney function. The normal value of creatinine is linked to muscle mass. A very muscular person is allowed to have a higher normal creatinine compared with the average individual. A 1.8 is generally high for even a very muscular athlete. A 1.3 to 1.5 would not be for many patients. Serum creatinine over 2 are generally reason for real concern. Also, simple dehydration can cause some elevation. Prolonged high blood pressure, or hypertension, is the most common cause of kidney damage. We treat high blood pressure to prevent kidney disease, cardiac disease and stroke.
How to lower the creatinine level effectively? If your high creatinine level caused by kidney disease, you are lucky enough to come here, a good idea for you to lower down your blood creatinine level effectively, which is Immunotherapy in 2012.
Immunotherapy is the latest treatment for kidney disease patients to lower creatine level in blood, which brings new hope for end stage of kidney disease patients. New cells can not only repair the intrinsic damaged cell in kidney disease, but also renew themselves, which can take place of the intrinsic damaged cells in kidneys. As the largest professional kidney disease hospital in the world, the new break through-Immunotherapy in Shijiazhuang kidney disease hospital is prized by almost all patients who have performed it.
There is no need to worry about the safety of Immunotherapy as we put much attention to the performance of Immunotherapy. Before you perform Immunotherapy, you have to accept strictly tests, we will decide if you are suitable for Immunotherapy and which kind of cell is the best for you.

It is the best way for kidney disease patients to recover kidney function and lower down creatinine level in blood. You can’t miss it! Wish you can get rid of pain caused by kidney disease and enjoy health life earlier! We hope we can do some help for you to step into a health way.

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