
5 Main Ways to Lower Creatine Levels Naturally

Creatinine is waste product from muscles in the body which should be discharged out of the body. Generally, creatinine discharges out of the body through kidney renal glomerular membrane. Generally, 20 g muscles can metabolize 1g creatinine in serum. The normal range of creatinine in the serum is 44 to 103umol/L. Usually, besides treatment with medications, people with high creatinine also want to find out the natural way to lower it. Here, we recommend 5 natural ways.
1. Vegetarian diet: By consuming a largely plant based diet you will be helping your body in a few distinct ways.
- Dietary sources of creatine and creatinine are only found within animal products, therefore you will be reducing the burden of “extra” creatine and creatinine circulating through your blood by eating a largely plant based diet.
- Clinical studies show that the consumption of red meat is detrimental to the health of kidneys.
- Dairy products (milk, cheese, cream, yoghurt, ice cream, butter) have been shown in clinical studies to accelerate kidney disease.
2. Avoid strenuous physical exercise: decreasing the breakdown of creatine into creatinine.
3. Nettle leaf tea: drink 1 to 2 cups a day. Nettle leaf tea is a simple yet powerful kidney tonic that can improve kidney function and reduce serum creatinine levels.
4. Water - The water intake can be up to 6-8 glasses per day in case there is no accumulation of water in the body. Swelling in feet, face is the sign that shows there is water retention in the body and water is accumulating in the body and kidneys are not able to remove excess water from the body. So the water intake needs to be limited and under guidance of a doctor in this case. If there is no swelling in the body and the urine output is normal, then the water intake can be 6-8 glasses or even more in case of increased creatinine levels. It helps to reduce creatinine levels naturally.
5. Salt– Salty food contains a lot of salt, as we all know. So it is no need to take extra salt. Salt usually causes water retention. If you drink water and you have already taken in salt, the water is going to get stayed in your body. The lower limit is about 2-3 grams, so this much is all right per day. In addition, if you are diagnosed with kidney disease and have severe edema, you will not be allowed to take in food which contains salt.

If these do not take effect, it indicates we need to take treatment. Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy is recommended for you in Shijiazhuang Kidney Disease Hospital, China, which is also a natural way but much more effective than the above mentioned natural ways.

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