
Why Kidney Failure Patients Lose Hair

uremia and loss hair Some Kidney Failure patients lose hair, which makes them confused and even scared and want to know whether it is connected with uremia. Generally, losing hair in uremia stage can be caused by many reasons for different people.
1. Some young men with uremia have bad living habit such as drinking too much alcohol and eating too much meat, which can generate a lot of cholesterol and lead to a large amount of sebum. So the blood supply in hair follicle will be affected and the growth of hair is blocked. So we can know that when the disorder of fat metabolism takes place, uremia people will lose hair.
2. On the basis of Chinese medical theory, blood insufficiency and deficient kidney, people also will have lost hair.
3. For uremia patients, genetic factor can also lead to the loss of hair. In China, according to the statistics, 20% people loss hair due to family history. Among them, males are dominant and females are latent.
4. In clinic, due to auto immune disease, lupus patients often have loss of hair.
5. Nidus infection caused by bacteria or virus can lead to partial stasis of blood or vasculitis, which leads to the insufficiency of blood in head, thus causing loss hair.

6. Depressed emotion, enormous pressure can also lead to hair loss. So try to relax and be happy and optimistic.

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