
Herbal Bathe Can Increase the Immunity for Kidney Failure

Chinese Herbal hot bathe can increase the immunity for kidney failure and treat kidney failure from root. On the basis of pathological mechanism, more than half of kidney failure is caused by immune disorder or low immune ability such as lupus nephritis, purpura nephtitis, diabetic kidney disease and so on. Only after the immune system is repaired and strengthened, can renal failure be treated well and will not relapse.
1. How does kidney failure come into being?
Every day, bacteria and virus invade us and our powerful immune system such as white blood cells can defeat with them, they combine and form immune complex. In normal condition, these can be degraded and cleared away by our immune system. However, after it is out of order, immune complex will stay in the body either remove in blood or deposit. When it deposits onto kidney, a series of immune inflammatory response will take place which will lead to damage to the kidney, thus causing kidney failure over time.
2. How does regular treatment work?
In many countries, prednisone cyclophosphamide, mycophenolate mofetil, or azathioprine are applied, which can indeed block the immune inflammatory response and control the symptoms for the time being. However, all of them can not degrade the immune complex and clear them away, so symptoms appear again after some time and larger dosage of hormone and immunosuppressive agent will be applied which will lead to more side effects and can not treat from root either. Over time, kidney failure patients will undergo dialysis or even wait for kidney transplant for the immunity of kidney failure is still not increased.
2. How herbal Chinese hot bathe treat kidney failure
Chinese herbal hot bathe is undergone with hot water, through which, the pore in skin is open, and the herbs can come into blood directly. After this, it can improve the blood circulation, degrade the immune complex in both kidney and blood throughout the body, then the immune complex and other toxins will be cleared out of the body. In addition, the active and nutritious substances can also repair the damaged cells in the kidney caused by immune inflammatory response for kidney failure patients and enhance the immunity. After these, immune system turns normal and kidney failure can be treated from root.

The above are about how Chinese herbal hot bathe treats kidney failure and for more information, please consult us online or leave a message.

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