
What are the stages of chronic renal failure

Chronic renal failure can lead to the emergence of toxic metabolites accumulate in the body , and acid-base balance disorders. Chronic renal failure and what stages it? Occurs when kidney disease , these symptoms are generally not together " take out" may sometimes occur simultaneously, but some obvious and some not obvious, obvious symptoms and easy to be ignored.
A renal decompensation : normal glomerular filtration rate of 125ml/min. This decrease of GFR to 30-60 ml / min, reduce the renal unit of about 20 % -25%. Despite the loss of renal reserve capacity at this time , but for the excretion of metabolites, regulation of water , electrolyte and acid-base balance is still good , so no obvious clinical manifestations , serum creatinine , blood urea nitrogen is usually normal or mildly elevated.
2 azotemia : glomerular filtration rate in this period was reduced to 25 ml / min, reducing by 50% -70 % of renal units , renal dysfunction concentrated , there nocturia or urine, varying degrees of anemia, often accompanied by azotemia , serum creatinine , blood urea nitrogen levels . Clinical staging of chronic renal failure fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite, general malaise and other symptoms. If you ignore this stage renal protection or body overhead , such as severe vomiting, diarrhea , resulting in hypovolemia , severe infection and use of nephrotoxic drugs , can lead to rapid kidney function decline and failure.
3 renal failure ( uremia early ) : staging of chronic renal failure to reduce this period to GFR 10-15 ml / min, reduce renal units about 70 % -90 % , severe renal impairment, can not maintain the body 's metabolism of water , electrolyte and acid-base balance. Impossible to maintain a stable internal environment , resulting in serum creatinine , blood urea nitrogen increased rapidly diluted urine concentration occurs dysfunction , acidosis, sodium retention , low calcium , high phosphorus , potassium and other balance disorders performance. There are significant anemia and gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea , vomiting , loss of appetite . Accompanied by neurological symptoms , such as fatigue , inability to concentrate , listlessness and so on.
4 uremia : glomerular filtration rate decreased to 10-15 ml / min or less , more than 90% reduction in renal units , chronic renal failure and chronic phases of this period is the late renal failure, renal failure, these symptoms become more pronounced specific performance of multiple organ failure, such as the gastrointestinal tract , nervous system , cardiovascular system , hematopoietic system, respiratory system , skin and metabolic system imbalance . Clinical manifestations include: nausea, vomiting , irritability , high blood pressure , palpitation , chest tightness , not supine , breathing difficulties, severe anemia , convulsions and even coma and other symptoms , often accompanied by hyperkalemia , hyponatremia , hypocalcemia , hyperphosphatemia . Often due to cerebral edema , pulmonary edema, heart failure and sudden death.
Through the above correlation , I believe we have a staging of chronic renal failure, some understanding of it, if you have questions or would like to learn more about kidney disease information , you can now free online consultation, the expert will give you to make the most detailed introduction, to help you solve the problem !

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