
Renal failure, polyuria and urine of patients with changes in recovery

When patients with acute renal failure scorpion daily urine output gradually increased to more than 1200m1 , namely into polyuria , indicating that the disease tends to improve. This period urinal up daily 3000m) above. Mechanisms produce more urine as follows: ① glomerular filtration function gradually returned to normal ; between ② interstitial edema . Tube was washed away within the tubules , blocking the lift ; ③ Although the start of renal tubular epithelial regeneration and repair , but its function is not perfect , so the reabsorption of sodium and water features are still low, original urine can not be sufficiently concentrated ; less ④ mid-term retention of urine metabolites in blood urea started by glomerular filter out most large , thereby increasing the original urine osmolality , causing osmotic diuresis .
Although patients with urine polyuria period increased, but in the early due GFR is lower than normal . Solute discharge is still insufficient ; functional renal tubular epithelial cells is not perfect, so azotemia, acidosis, hyperkalemia , and does not improve soon , and only after a certain time, non-protein nitrogen and potassium decreased gradually to normal levels , renal excretion of acid- base security functions returned to normal. During urination, the patient can be discharged daily big $ water and electrolytes , if not promptly added , dehydration , hypokalemia and hyponatremia may occur. In this regard , should be given full attention more.
Polyuria period lasted about 1-2 weeks after the course into the recovery period.
Recovery: This urine and blood of patients with non-protein nitrogen pots were returned to normal. Water, electrolyte and acid-base balance disorders and symptoms caused by completely disappear. However , after several months of renal tubular function needs to be completely back to normal , and thus the elimination of other functions in the early recovery phase , concentrated urine and urea and other substances can still not completely normal. Few cases ( more common in cases of ischemic damage ) due to severe renal epithelial damage and repair , and the tomb of the base film insufficiency, renal fibrosis may occur and transformed into chronic renal insufficiency .
Non- oliguric acute renal failure in patients with mild renal lesions may . Although there are reported GFR decrease and tubular damage, but obstacles tubular concentration function is more obvious, so although the blood plasma of non- protein nitrogen increased. But does not reduce the amount of urine , urine specific gravity ( < 1.020 ) , and lower urinary sodium content , the prognosis is good . Due to the non- oliguric urine discharge more, so rarely hyperkalemia .

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