
Renal failure can be cured

Renal failure have a serious impact on the lives of patients , renal failure can be cured? This is an issue we are very concerned about, you must be actively treated patients with a friend , an early departure from the pain of torture . So renal failure can be cured? Us listen to the experts introduce it .
( 1 ) prevention of renal failure can be cured positive shock to correct hypovolemia : ? Shock of various causes should actively take all measures to add volume as soon as possible , so that the blood pressure rise, ensure renal blood flow . In the anti-shock treatment, the drug must be used to boost more attention , those who cause a strong contraction of renal vascular vasopressors , especially norepinephrine, should be avoided .
( 2 ) acute renal failure, hemolysis should take the following measures: ① intravenous infusion of sodium bicarbonate to a pH of urine, renal tubular blockage prevents methemoglobin , and correction of metabolic acidosis. ② intravenous mannitol membership to osmotic diuresis . ③ apply hydrocortisone to ease the expansion of antigen -antibody reaction , reducing the symptoms of hemolysis , increased renal blood flow . ④ blood transfusion therapy may be considered if necessary.
( 3 ) poisoning should promptly eliminate the vestiges of the gastrointestinal tract , and the use of antagonists. Such as oral activated charcoal , milk, water, and protein dimercapto propanol.
These are the kidney hospital for kidney failure can be cured ? Detailed description , I believe we have a certain understanding , and hope that the majority of patients with nephritis able to maintain a good attitude , and actively cooperate with the doctors to treat , the only way to early recovery healthy ! If you have any questions you can consult the experts will do for you authoritative answer.

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