
Help me with chronic glomerulonephritis

Health counseling description:
Hello, my chronic glomerulonephritis, proteinuria 2 + and hematuria 20-30 to the hospital prescribed some medicine has improved. I would like to ask, I usually should pay attention to what I was because the blood pressure Gaocai to check blood and protein in the urine so I would like to ask if I should pay attention to what? I heard that this disease is not loving and love repeatedly so please help me, thank you and wish you happy every day, all wishes come true
Kidney disease experts answer:
Hello, hypertension and kidney close and complex relationship. High blood pressure can cause kidney damage, and many kidney disease prone to high blood pressure. Hypertension and kidney disease affect each other, reinforce each other, as well as creating a vicious cycle. Although it is very early discovery of this phenomenon, but the exact relationship between the two, there are still many problems to be solved. In light to moderate essential hypertension, the early course of the disease for a long period of time, due to kidney regulation itself does not appear on kidney structure and function change only when the kidney that autoregulation dysfunction appears hypertension high sodium load and acute capacity expansion under pathological state experienced a certain period of time, before the gradual emergence of renal tubular damage and dysfunction. Clinically, the patient may have nocturnal enuresis associated with electrolyte excretion increased, laboratory tests found that patients with renal blood flow decreased. Illness sustained and stable development, may occur after 5 to 10 years with mild to moderate renal arteriosclerosis, which in turn lead to ischemic renal units, atrophy, renal dysfunction. Its progression is generally very slow, the greater the age, the higher the prevalence. On the other hand, many kidney disease itself can produce hypertension. Hypertension many kidney disease associated with elevated blood pressure can be reduced to normal levels, with the improvement of kidney disease, kidney structure and function of the recovery, Caused by kidney disease, hypertension, secondary hypertension, about 5% of the incidence of high blood pressure, often caused by renal parenchymal disease and renal vascular lesions. A variety of factors involved in the pathogenesis of renal hypertension: increased renin secretion, enhance the excitability of the sympathetic nervous system, prostaglandins, atrial natriuretic peptide vasodilators reduce sodium and water retention, increased extracellular fluid volume the cause, such as acute and chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, renal tuberculosis, kidney stones, kidney cancer, congenital kidney disease (polycystic kidney disease, horseshoe kidney), secondary nephropathy (various connective tissue diseases, diabetes nephropathy), the most common clinical glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis. Renal vascular hypertension due to unilateral or bilateral renal artery branch stenosis, obstruction, renal blood flow is reduced, causing the increase in renin secretion caused by high blood pressure, timely lift artery stenosis or occlusion, hypertension can be reversed. In short, the relationship between high blood pressure and kidney is very complex, close, two different cases, each other. Involving the kidneys, while the long-term high blood pressure is bound to change the structure and function of the kidneys, would lead to high blood pressure. In both cases, high blood pressure and kidney damage can be each other intensified, creating a vicious cycle. Can see the relationship between high blood pressure and kidney are relatively close and special. Hypertension is a common disease of middle-aged, common, easy to make, especially during winter the progression of the disease, this is because: ① low temperature allows the body surface reduced elasticity of blood vessels, increased peripheral resistance, so that the increase in blood pressure, leading to cerebrovascular bleeding. ② cold stimulation can also be the sympathetic nerve, adrenal cortical hormone secretion, so that a small artery spasm contraction, increased peripheral resistance, so that the blood pressure. ③ cold also allows the increase in fibrinogen levels in the blood, increased blood viscosity, promote the formation of blood emboli. Therefore, hypertensive patients should pay attention to in the winter to do self-care, prevention of stroke onset. (1) Note weatherization avoid cold stimulation, especially cold wave hit, when temperatures plunged to pay attention to timely add clothes. The diet should eat some producing high-calorie and nutrient-rich foods, such as lean meat, chicken, fish, dairy and soy products, eat greasy food taboos alcohol and tobacco, and should maintain a smooth stool. (2) Keep your exercise, improve tolerance to cold. May participate in whatever sports activities, such as outdoor walking, tai chi, do Qigong. (3) appropriate control their emotions, to guard against fatigue. Extreme anger or stress can be induced stroke in hypertensive patients to maintain a happy mood of optimism, avoid ecstasy rage, depression, sadness, fear and frightened. (4) insist on regular medication to keep blood pressure stable. Hypertensive patients antihypertensive drugs can not be arbitrarily stop taking, especially clothes clonidine, propranolol, methyldopa antihypertensive drugs should be noted. According to reports, if the sudden withdrawal of about 5% of patients in about 40 hours, blood pressure and substantial rebound. Hypertensive patients should be under the guidance of a doctor, insist on taking quite a long time to maintain the amount of blood pressure is maintained at the ideal level. (5) is often physical examination, prevention and treatment of complications. Susceptible to influenza, rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, etc. in the winter, should pay attention to the prevention and active treatment, and blood pressure measurement should always conditional, should be regularly lipids, blood glucose, ECG, cerebral blood flow diagram Check the abnormal processing in a timely manner. High blood pressure in the arterial blood pressure, especially in diastolic blood pressure continues to rise as the characteristics of the systemic, chronic vascular disease, is the result of the combined effects of a variety of risk factors. Dietary nutritional factors play an important role in the pathogenesis of hypertension, mainly animal fats in the diet, high cholesterol levels, food sodium excessive, food potassium, calcium is too small (ie, poor quality protein), drinking too much, these Dietary factors are caused by high blood pressure, hypertensive patients is reasonable to select the diet is very important. Hypertensive patients usually light vegetarian should eat a low-fat, low-cholesterol foods, such as fish, lean meat, rabbit meat, beef, beans and soy products, etc., such foods containing cholesterol is lower, and the beans and soy products also contain sitosterol, sitosterol inhibiting intestinal absorption of cholesterol. Promote fat metabolism vitamins, especially vitamin C can reduce cholesterol, so patients should eat foods containing vitamins and more fresh vegetables and fruits, such as bean sprouts, celery, shepherd's purse, radishes, carrots and so on. Hypertensive patients should be properly selected food lipid-lowering effects of food, such as kelp, jellyfish, sea cucumbers, mussels, sunflower seeds, sesame. Usually cook should use vegetable oil, it is best to choose peanut oil, soybean oil, rapeseed oil, sunflower oil. The disease should eat or not eat animal fat and high cholesterol foods, such as fat, the various animal oil, bone marrow, butter, liver, heart, brain, kidney, egg yolk, fish roe, cod liver oil, crab, spicy foods should eat or not eat. Hypertensive patients should limit salt intake, daily salt intake to control in 3 to 5 grams. Cook should be subdued, pickles, mustard, salt, tea, preserved eggs

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