
The investigation parathyroid hormone index is 576, and how is it treat?

Health counseling description:
The investigation parathyroid hormone index is 576, and how is it treated?
The kidney specialists answer: Hello: increased parathyroid hormone: primary hyperparathyroidism, secondary hyperparathyroidism, the third sex hyperparathyroidism, pseudo parathyroid low ectopic secretion of PTH, vitamin D deficiency, fluorosis, pseudo gout. So now you have these symptoms? Detailed, please?
Kidney patients: My father is now so weak, convulsions, vomiting, coughing, chest tightness, shortness of breath, and hypocalcemia hypertension, has been 15 months hemodialysis Hsi.
The nephropathy experts answer: he went circumstances is difficult to determine a set of formal treatment side by! Treatment should strengthen nutrition! Diet as much as possible not to eat spicy, greasy food is best based on a light diet mainly!

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