
Microscopic hematuria for many years!

Health counseling description:
Red blood cells in the urine. Occult blood 2 plus sign has 6-7 years of history, urethra feeling discomfort, abdominal flatulence often, the body often feel tired. Stool with a small amount of mucus, but also a small amount of red blood cells, and they dry mouth dry. Hands and feet, fever sleep at night. Female, 43 years old, hoping to find the expert or method of treatment of the hospital. Hope all my friends can help me.
How do want to help: thank the doctors for my quick answer - how the treatment and prevention
Doctor: Hello, it is recommended that the investigation of a urinary tract B-.
Patients: done cystoscopy diagnosis of the bladder trigone inflammation but no efficacy monthly menstrual flow rarely urinary antibiotic Department B - whether normal B-? ? ? Thank you! ! ! !
Doctor: It should be actively anti-inflammatory treatment!
Patients: Thank you my answers that best with what kind of drug effects, traditional Chinese medicine or Western medicine or go to the hospital, how to contact your hospital! ! !
Doctor: Yes, to a local hospital for treatment on it.

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