
What are the disadvantages of surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease

Method of surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease, in a short period of time can ease the oppression of the large cyst on the renal parenchyma, improve renal ischemia and hypoxia conditions, to some extent, reduced functional nephron damage. But there are also some disadvantages: the surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease is not only not fundamentally solve the root causes of cystic fluid secretion, and the kidney itself will cause some damage. In addition, due to polycystic kidney disease are numerous cysts, surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease is only relative to what the larger cysts, after the passage of a large cyst, small cysts will grow rapidly re-oppression of the renal parenchyma cause substantial damage, the condition is often repeated aggravated renal dysfunction and even uremia.
Polycystic kidney surgery how to do? Surgery for the treatment of polycystic kidney disease in general in the cyst increased to 5 cm, when, mainly to take surgical decortication or pumping liquid sclerotherapy. The role of surgical treatment of renal cysts is relatively obvious, caution is best on patients with polycystic kidney surgery. In addition, polycystic kidney disease treatment aims to shrink the cyst, reducing the oppression of the cysts on the kidneys, but shrink the cyst lies in the inhibition of cyst fluid production, not just the large cyst.
Although the surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease is one of the most common treatment, but the surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease there are also the drawbacks, the surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease can be completely? Set out below:
Surgical treatment of polycystic kidney disease there are the drawbacks of eradication is not clean and cyst recurrence.
(2) surgical treatment can not stop the cyst fluid secretion and cyst continuous growth will bring the scene of repeated surgery.
Surgical treatment can temporarily alleviate the pressure of the cysts on the kidneys. Alleviate pressure on the kidneys but when a large cyst, but its relevance while reducing surrounded by a small cyst absolute growth advantage. Once you reduce the pressure, the small cyst growth opportunities, and become larger and larger, re-create pressure on the kidneys and affect renal function again. In this way, cyst again and again, never gone right kidney, the renal injury will be getting heavier and heavier.

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