
What should pay attention to The dietary guidelines of IgA nephropathy patients

The diet of patients with IgA nephropathy (a)
Focus on different foods on the diet of patients with IgA nephropathy, should be based on the different stages of the condition, while in drug treatment, proper nutrition, absorbed from the diet to help patients as early recovery:
Treatment of lung and stomach wind-heat toxin evil dampness type with acute exacerbation of IgA nephropathy in diet to restore
IgA nephropathy in the acute stage, depending on the clinical manifestations, Chinese medicine can be dialectically divided into the lung and stomach wind-heat toxin evil dampness, Firelight flaming hot and humid, gastrointestinal and bladder damp-heat, where the most wind-heat toxin on lung and stomach evil Fire Model common. Lung and stomach wind-heat toxin evil dampness acute exacerbation of IgA nephropathy, manifested as fever, micro sense of cold, headache, cough, sore throat, urine redness or microscopic hematuria, red tongue tip side, and thin white fur or thin yellow, floating pulse number. Should adopt the way of evacuation of wind-heat, detoxification pharynx, cooling blood to stop bleeding, such as governance, the following diet to restore, selected as appropriate for patients' friends.
(1) Silver Flower, reed, thistle each 30g, forsythia, habitat 15g, Nepeta, bellflower 10g, Semen, raw licorice, the 6g, sanchi powder 2g, red bean, rice, each 60g, sugar amount . 9 before the taste of water to cook the juice, into the red bean, rice boiled thin thick porridge, sanchi powder, sugar, seasoning can be boiled. 1 day, 2 doses.
Silver Flower (2), thistle the 30g, wild chrysanthemum, dandelion, Viola, Gynura 10g Baked rhubarb 6g, sanchi powder 2g, green beans, stems m each 60g, crystal sugar. 7 before the taste of water to cook the juice, into green beans, stems m support thin thick porridge, adding a sanchi powder, crystal sugar, stir well and then boil. 1 day, 2 doses. With sore throat will be dry and hard.
(3) Silver Flower, Forsythia the 30g, Daji, habitat, Rhizoma Imperatae each 20g, mint, Arctium Platycodon each 10g the white Yaomo 2g, Coix seed, rice, each 60g, the amount of sugar. 9 before the taste of water to cook the juice into Coix seed, rice boiled thin thick porridge, add the white Yaomo, sugar, and mix it can be boiled. 1 day, 2 doses.
The diet of patients with IgA nephropathy (b)
Firelight flaming type of acute exacerbation of IgA nephropathy in diet to restore
In the Firelight flaming acute exacerbation of IgA nephropathy patients, our hearts will be vexed, mouth sores, urine redness or microscopic hematuria, red tongue, thin yellow tongue coating, rapid pulse and other symptoms. Appropriate the Qingxin Chufan, cooling blood to stop bleeding and other therapeutic approach, the following diet to restore the formula available for patients to be used as appropriate.
A. Thistle 30g, habitat 20g, Rhizoma Imperatae 15g bamboo 12g, fried gardenia, Health hay the 10g, rice 100g sugar amount. The first six taste water to cook the juice into the rice boiled thin thick porridge, sugar seasoning. 1 day, 2 doses.
Habitat, thistle, phragmites each 30g, raw licorice 10g, sanchi powder 2g, stems m, Coix seed 60g crystal sugar. 4 before the taste of water to cook the juice into the stems m, Coix seed gruel, add rock sugar melted can. 1 day, 2 doses.
(3) Rhizoma Imperatae, Plantago the 30g, short bamboo 10g, lotus core 1g, sugar amount. The first three flavor Qu Zhi decoction while hot into the the Shengyou Lian core sugar cup, cover and bored 10 minutes. One day, on behalf of the tea, watered down so far.
The diet of patients with IgA nephropathy (c)
Spleen and Kidney Qi and Yin deficiency with chronic moved extension of IgA nephropathy, visible endoscopic hematuria or with urinary protein, fatigue, weakness, waist and knee pain, cold or dysphoria heat, spontaneous sweating or night sweats, thirst or throat pain, tongue pink edge scalloped or tongue fat, thin white or thin yellow and dry, rapid pulse and weak. Should adopt a dual-Spleen and kidney yin, stop bleeding, such as rule following diet to restore the party thirsty selected as appropriate.
(1) heterophylla, Astragalus, habitat, yam, Alisma the 15g, thistle 30g, Poria 20g, cornus, Dan the 10g, sanchi powder 1g, rice 100g sugar amount. 9 before the taste of water to cook the juice into the rice gruel, adding sanchi powder, sugar, and mix it, and then can be boiled.
(2) Astragalus, habitat 20g, Chinese yam, cornus the 15g, thistle, plantain seed 30g, Gorgon, Yinhua 12g, Eucommia, walnut, medlar the 10g, Coix seed, stems m = 60 amount of sugar. 9 before the taste of water to cook the juice into Coix seed, stem rice porridge, will become, add walnut, medlar, sugar, and mix it, and then can be cooked. 1 day, 2 doses. Spleen and Kidney Qi and Yin deficiency with urinary protein, sore throat.
(3) thistle. Yinhua the 30g, Astragalus, Rehmannia the 20g, heterophylla, white peony root in the 15g, Eclipta, fried Gardenia, Angelica 12g, Salvia 6g sanchi powder 1g, Gorgon fruit, rice, the 50g, the amount of honey. 10 before the taste of water to cook the juice, into the Gorgon, rice gruel, adding sanchi powder, honey, and mix it can be boiled. 1 day, 2 doses.
These are the recommended diet to restore in the Spleen and Kidney Qi and Yin deficiency with chronic PERSISTING patients with IgA nephropathy, IgA nephropathy patients is suitable for the kind of diet to restore his side, need to go through a professional doctor's instructions, where listed for reference only.

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